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- /*
- SndPlay1.c
- SndPlay1(snd) plays a sound, asynchronously, i.e. it returns immediately, while the
- sound is still playing. The argument is a handle to a snd resource. If a sound is
- still playing from a previous call to SndPlay1, it is allowed to finish before
- closing and reopening the channel and beginning the new sound.
- SndPlay1(NULL) waits for the sound to end and then closes the channel.
- SndStop1() closes the channel immediately.
- SndDone1() returns true once the last sound initiated by SndPlay1() has
- finished.
- The Apple Sound Manager has the annoying characteristic of insisting on loading
- any synth that's mentioned in a snd resource, even if that synth is already loaded,
- which causes an error. This makes it necessary to dispose of and recreate the
- snd channel before each new sound, which these routines do. Apple advises against
- this approach because it leaves the channel open a lot of the time,
- which blocks SysBeep.
- To avoid this, make sure to call SndPlay1(NULL) or SndStop1() to close the channel after
- you start a sound going.
- The easiest way to get a sound to play is to call GetNamedResource().
- Handle snd;
- snd=GetNamedResource('snd ',"\pSimple Beep");
- However, it's also easy to create your own snd in memory, as a series of commands,
- following the instructions in Inside Mac VI.
- 3/30/92 dgp wrote it.
- 4/1/92 dgp renamed it and commented out the printf's.
- */
- #include "VideoToolbox.h"
- #include <Sound.h>
- static pascal void SndCallBack(SndChannelPtr channel,SndCommand command);
- static SndChannelPtr channel=NULL;
- static short soundDone;
- OSErr SndPlay1(Handle snd)
- {
- OSErr error=0;
- SndCommand callBack;
- static firstTime=1;
- if(firstTime){
- #ifndef MATLAB
- _atexit(SndStop1);
- #endif
- firstTime=0;
- }
- if(channel!=NULL)error=SndDisposeChannel(channel,FALSE); // wait till done
- channel=NULL;
- if(error)return error;
- if(snd==NULL)return 0;
- error=SndNewChannel(&channel,0,0L,SndCallBack);
- if(error){
- // printf("SndPlay1:SndNewChannel failed with error %d\n",error);
- return error;
- }
- error=SndPlay(channel,snd,TRUE);
- if(error){
- // printf("SndPlay1:SndPlay failed with error %d\n",error);
- return error;
- }
- soundDone=0;
- callBack.cmd=callBackCmd;
- callBack.param1=1;
- callBack.param2=(long)&soundDone;
- error=SndDoCommand(channel,&callBack,FALSE);
- // if(error)printf("SndPlay1:SndDoCommand failed with error %d\n",error);
- return error;
- }
- void SndStop1(void)
- {
- if(channel!=NULL)SndDisposeChannel(channel,TRUE); // immediately
- channel=NULL;
- }
- short SndDone1(void)
- // Returns true once the last sound initiated by SndPlay1 has
- // finished.
- {
- return soundDone;
- }
- #pragma options(!profile) // Disable profiling because A5 may be invalid.
- static pascal void SndCallBack(SndChannelPtr channel,SndCommand command)
- // Load a short int.
- // Called back by sound manager. Lets us know when sound is done.
- {
- if(command.param2 != 0L) *(short *)command.param2=command.param1;
- }